The main attraction of the light display in Carlise city centre is this. Wise men visiting the new born King and Mary.

I think it's nice to have the real story being told in the light display rather than some fat guy dressed in red suit.
It has been 2 months since my mother went home. Things are getting back to "normal". A friend asked me how am I doing since mum has gone? I don't really know, sometimes I still think I can go back and visit her in Adelaide. I did not try hard not to think about she has gone, nor that I've tried to think of her too much.
As Christmas approaching, the memories of mum come back. I remember everyone will try to be where mum was whether be in Melbourne or Adelaide. Where everyone would just enjoy mum's cooking and each other's company. Since she had the stroke, she was bound to her bed, we made every effect to go back to Adelaide to celebrate Christmas with her. There are times when we took turn to see her at different weeks, so that she did not get overwhelmed by all of us at one time, and next week no one was there for her.
This Christmas is going to be different without mum, something for the family to get used to.
You nourish our hearts in our yearning,
You dignify our souls in our struggles
You harmonise our grief and gladness
You make melody from fragments of chaos
You align our spirit with creation
You reveal to us the grace of God
You calm us and delight us and set us free to love and forgive
Our lives are richer because of who you are
It's hard for me to deal with 2 deaths since I've got here in Carlisle. But like I said it before, I will say it again, it is by the Grace of God that I can stand here and declare that God is good and still is.
The experience got me thinking about the story called 'The emperor's New Clothes'. Was everyone in the club really appreciate the music played by the group on the stage because they did not want to be classified as "stupid"?
J also made a comment it was like watching a foreign art house movie without subtitles in the musical context. You suppose to work it out.
Oh well ... Again this could be alternative Jazz.
Go figure.
We sat through the whole gig just to show a bit of respect to the musicians. But I want my money back!!!!
Ever been in a conversation like this? It can imply different meanings. First, the negative implication. The person who said "I don't care.", is not energetic in the food, or the dinner. The person may not even want to be there. Or he or she is in a bad mood.
On the other hand, the person who said did not really mind about the food and was happy to eat anything and enjoy the dinner that night.
This phrase has been commonly used by many people. It puzzles me all the time. Do people really care? If you don't care why bother.
I was working on a critical project and we were running out of time. The phrase like, "I don't care. Solution A or B will do.", does not help the morale of the people who's wagering on the project at all.
You may say it depends on the person who said the phrase and the tone of it. It also depends on the listeners, where the phrase can be intepreted to negative meanings.
I think the phrase "I don't care.", can be replaced with "I don't mind." I think it can tone down the negative implication.
Now, let's try again ...
"What would you like to eat for dinner?"
"I don't mind. Anything. "