Monday, July 03, 2006

100 mile stone

Today marks a milestone in my exercise routine. According to my heart rate monitor, I've done 100 exercises since the 7 September 2005. I've done 82 hours and 58 minutes and 4 seconds of workout. I've burnt in total of 43387 Calories. Coming no exercise at all to going to gym to work out 5 times a week; to me it is an achievement. Having said that, I lost very little weight.
With the amount of exercises that I do a week, my weight would have come down to the healthy number. But some how it did not happen. One thing is clear to me, it was my diet. I need to do something about it. Exercise and diet come hand in hand, these two have to be balanced.
I think the next mile stone I put on the blog is the time when I get to my target healthy weight according to my doctor. What is the number? Oh well ... I will publish it when I get there.


Anonymous said...

*laughs* Why change your diet. Food's great! I love food ;-)

Gillian said...

It IS a bit strange ... you exercise like crazy. Hmmm... trying the diet change is a good idea...

I'd recommend not eating at all but that's not exactly wise *laughter*