Thursday, August 31, 2006

Limited Edition

I was a big fan of Limited Edition, I am still one. Few years ago, I bought my first limited edition print of a local Melbourne artist: Garry McEwan's On Brunswick St. It was an edition of 250. It means that their are only 250 prints available. I love the vibrant colour of the piece. The tram on the print was another reason that caught my attention at that time. I paid just under AUD 500 (including the frame). Now the print can easily costs over AUD 1.5K. I was very happy when I found out that the print that I bought has gone up in price.

Then I went a bought another of Mr McEwan's limited edition print, Flower Love. That print caused a bit of controversy amongst my mates. I think it was a piece that will contrast the other one, yet balance my living room. This one is yet to go up in price.
The phrase 'Limited edition' was almost exclusive to the arts community. It was not until DVD became popular in Australia. You have Special Limited Edition, Director's Cut Edition, the Ultimate Collector's Edition & "you name it, we'll produce it " Edition. Wait, there's more; some DVDs also come with certificate of authentication. I think the word "Limited" no longer holds any meaning to many movie studios or DVD producers. It becomes a marketing tool targeting consumer like me to spend more money to pay for their CEOs to have dinner at a 5 star hotels discussing the next money making project.
I bought a Special Limited Edition of Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast. One year later that same edition of DVD can be found in the bargain box in K-Mart. Price did not go up, but gone down to bargain price. How many "Limited" copies did studio print?
Can I still remain positive and not be cynical about Limited Edition again?

Sunday, August 27, 2006


It was a great concert. Despite a small crowd, we've collected some generous amount of donation towards my mission work from the audience. I am very grateful.

I shared in the Cantonese Congregation the day after the concert, the church was very generous and supportive. I am so grateful for the people for being so supportive. Ivan came to speak to me after the meeting and told me about how Doulos made an impact in his life few years back when the ship stopped over in Melbourne. He was interested in the ministry of Doulos. I thought I was here to raised support, I did not know I've actually encouraged people to consider mission.
The shop owner whom I bought my oolong tea from also supported me with a generous cheque. She also asked me to contact her if I need more support. Speechless? YES!
Stay tuned for pictures taken from PULSE.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I went to Bennetts Lane Jazz Club with my friends one night, it was a weeknight therefore I did not expect too many people there. To my surprise the place was packed with people, the band - DRUB, must be good to attract such an audience during a week night.

The saxophonist started a piercing note, I thought he was doing a sound check and it turned out to be part of the song, well ... Tune ... Err ... Sound? ... Noise. I could not make anything out of it. All I could hear was some random notes coming out of these musicians. There was no difference from one "song" to another when random notes are played. Having said that individually, each musician is excellent.

D who's a music student and said politely that the musicians might be following a motif and improvise around it. I could not make any sense out of it. Then why was the place packed with people to listen to their music? Did they really get something out of the music?

The experience got me thinking about the story called 'The emperor's New Clothes'. Was everyone in the club really appreciate the music played by the group on the stage because they did not want to be classified as "stupid"?

J also made a comment it was like watching a foreign art house movie without subtitles in the musical context. You suppose to work it out.

Oh well ... Again this could be alternative Jazz.

Go figure.

We sat through the whole gig just to show a bit of respect to the musicians. But I want my money back!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


It has been decided that the theme for the fund raising concert is going to be called "PULSE!!!". The idea came from a CD called, "Psalm Drummers". All the tracks on the CD is just drumming. Awesome album, on the DVD the lead drummers ask the audience to listen to the heartbeat of God.
I am so grateful because every mission whom I approached has agreed to help. As mid September is approaching, I just have to trust God to provide the necessary support for my mission trip.
Getting back to the concert, I believe the people who come are in for a real treat of music performance.

Friday, August 04, 2006

How Great

I received a card in the post box telling there's a package to be picked up in Mulgrage yesterday. I knew it was my visa. In my logical mind, I worked out that there wasn't any phone call from the British High commission about my application and I was not expecting any other delivery except my passport. True enough, when I picked up the package, it was my passport opened to the page where the Visa is. As I was writing this blog, my iTunes is playing the song 'How Great is God', yes How great and wonderful is He?
I am yet to learn about trusting Him more and more. Thank You, Father. You are truly Great.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's finally here

I've received an email from Brent telling me that the brochures are ready. It took 2 months to get it done and finally I've got something to show people when I talk to them about my mission work. The next challenge for me is to raise enough support within 6 weeks. My logical mind is battling with my little faith.
20He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matt 17:20
Time can tell if I have the mustard seed faith.