2 Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Ever been in a conversation like this? It can imply different meanings. First, the negative implication. The person who said "I don't care.", is not energetic in the food, or the dinner. The person may not even want to be there. Or he or she is in a bad mood.
On the other hand, the person who said did not really mind about the food and was happy to eat anything and enjoy the dinner that night.
This phrase has been commonly used by many people. It puzzles me all the time. Do people really care? If you don't care why bother.
I was working on a critical project and we were running out of time. The phrase like, "I don't care. Solution A or B will do.", does not help the morale of the people who's wagering on the project at all.
You may say it depends on the person who said the phrase and the tone of it. It also depends on the listeners, where the phrase can be intepreted to negative meanings.
I think the phrase "I don't care.", can be replaced with "I don't mind." I think it can tone down the negative implication.
Now, let's try again ...
"What would you like to eat for dinner?"
"I don't mind. Anything. "