Saturday, December 23, 2006
Carlisle city centre - Christmas Light Display
The main attraction of the light display in Carlise city centre is this. Wise men visiting the new born King and Mary.
I think it's nice to have the real story being told in the light display rather than some fat guy dressed in red suit.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
2 - months
It has been 2 months since my mother went home. Things are getting back to "normal". A friend asked me how am I doing since mum has gone? I don't really know, sometimes I still think I can go back and visit her in Adelaide. I did not try hard not to think about she has gone, nor that I've tried to think of her too much.
As Christmas approaching, the memories of mum come back. I remember everyone will try to be where mum was whether be in Melbourne or Adelaide. Where everyone would just enjoy mum's cooking and each other's company. Since she had the stroke, she was bound to her bed, we made every effect to go back to Adelaide to celebrate Christmas with her. There are times when we took turn to see her at different weeks, so that she did not get overwhelmed by all of us at one time, and next week no one was there for her.
This Christmas is going to be different without mum, something for the family to get used to.
You nourish our hearts in our yearning,
You dignify our souls in our struggles
You harmonise our grief and gladness
You make melody from fragments of chaos
You align our spirit with creation
You reveal to us the grace of God
You calm us and delight us and set us free to love and forgive
Our lives are richer because of who you are
Monday, November 20, 2006
Farewell DC!
It's hard for me to deal with 2 deaths since I've got here in Carlisle. But like I said it before, I will say it again, it is by the Grace of God that I can stand here and declare that God is good and still is.
Monday, November 13, 2006
One month since ....
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Walkers Marmite
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Aira Force, Lake District
Okay, from Matterdale the Hebron families went to the Tea Room for afternoon tea. We the OMers chose the cheaper alternative, we went to Aira Force. We parked our car in the next free parking area and walked to the Aira Force. This is not the "May the force be with you" kind of force if you are wondering. It is a waterfall. The place was owned by a rich guy in 1780's as a hunting lodge and planted a lot of native plants. The walk in the park was totally different experience from the Matterdale one. It was like walking in the woods that was described in some books. It was equally beautiful. Some of the plants are very unique, here are just a few of them.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Matterdale, Lake District
The weekend just past, I was invited by one of the OMers, Timotheous who attends the Hebron church here in Carlisle for a family hike around Lake District. I have not been exercising for the past few weeks, I figured out it would be a good start for me in this city.
Broad St, Carlisle
I am currently staying with an American family serving with OM here in the student ministry, Tim and Linda Wright and their 2 kids. The house is about 10 mins walk from the current OM office. OM will move into a new place in November. The house where the Wrights are staying is a typical English town house, beautifully located on Broad St. As you can see, the street is not that broad, only one car can go through. The street signs on this part of the town, is quite hard to see. Most of them are on the actual building at the corners of the streets. Some of them actually faded away. How to get around in this part of the town in Carlisle? Oh well ... You adjust.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
In Carlisle
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Music and Lyrics: 游智婷 Sandy Yu
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Last days in Melbourne
"Are you all packed?"
"What's going to happen to your house?"
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Heart Of Worship
I just want to talk about worship here.
The Bible says in John 4:23
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
Sometimes, I questioned myself whether I am doing what the bible says when I worship God.
A lot of the time when I hear people say 'The worship was so good!.' I wonder what it means. Why? Did the person actually say the music was good? Or the atmosphere was good? Or I feel good in the worship.
After serving many years in the music ministry, I want to ask a few questions.
1. Are we worshiping God or worshiping music?
2. Do we have to feel good during the worship session?
3. How do you feel the presence of God in worship? Why do I have to feel the presence of God?
Why is it all about ME feeling the presence of God?
4. Is worship session a therapeutic session for me? (Be honest)!
I think you'll probably starting to get what I'm trying to say...
It's not about me, but all about Him.
Our worship should be God focused, we all know that. Sometimes, we really need to honestly ask ourself when we worship, who is the centre of the focus when the phrase like "meeting our needs" come into picture. Since when do we need the worship (music) to meet our needs?
Unless we go back to God focused worship, we will never be the true worshipers that the Father seeks. Notice that I did not say we never experience what true worship is.
I wonder why when Jesus said, "Yet a time is coming and has now come ...", in the verse.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Kiasu again?
33They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, "What were you arguing about on the road?" 34But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.
35Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
Why do we always want to be first? Can't we just be a servant?
Another passage, Mark 10:35-45
The Request of James and John
35Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. "Teacher," they said, "we want you to do for us whatever we ask."
36"What do you want me to do for you?" he asked.
37They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory."
38"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"
39"We can," they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, 40but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared."
41When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. 42Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 43Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
So, any thoughts?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'
21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
22"The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'
23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
24"Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'
26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
28" 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Limited Edition
I was a big fan of Limited Edition, I am still one. Few years ago, I bought my first limited edition print of a local Melbourne artist: Garry McEwan's On Brunswick St. It was an edition of 250. It means that their are only 250 prints available. I love the vibrant colour of the piece. The tram on the print was another reason that caught my attention at that time. I paid just under AUD 500 (including the frame). Now the print can easily costs over AUD 1.5K. I was very happy when I found out that the print that I bought has gone up in price.
Then I went a bought another of Mr McEwan's limited edition print, Flower Love. That print caused a bit of controversy amongst my mates. I think it was a piece that will contrast the other one, yet balance my living room. This one is yet to go up in price.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I shared in the Cantonese Congregation the day after the concert, the church was very generous and supportive. I am so grateful for the people for being so supportive. Ivan came to speak to me after the meeting and told me about how Doulos made an impact in his life few years back when the ship stopped over in Melbourne. He was interested in the ministry of Doulos. I thought I was here to raised support, I did not know I've actually encouraged people to consider mission.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The saxophonist started a piercing note, I thought he was doing a sound check and it turned out to be part of the song, well ... Tune ... Err ... Sound? ... Noise. I could not make anything out of it. All I could hear was some random notes coming out of these musicians. There was no difference from one "song" to another when random notes are played. Having said that individually, each musician is excellent.
D who's a music student and said politely that the musicians might be following a motif and improvise around it. I could not make any sense out of it. Then why was the place packed with people to listen to their music? Did they really get something out of the music?
The experience got me thinking about the story called 'The emperor's New Clothes'. Was everyone in the club really appreciate the music played by the group on the stage because they did not want to be classified as "stupid"?
J also made a comment it was like watching a foreign art house movie without subtitles in the musical context. You suppose to work it out.
Oh well ... Again this could be alternative Jazz.
Go figure.
We sat through the whole gig just to show a bit of respect to the musicians. But I want my money back!!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
How Great
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
It's finally here
Saturday, July 29, 2006
We love Hymns!
2 Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Lake House:- Hollywood version of IL MARE
Saturday, July 22, 2006
What now?
Steven is my half brother from my father's other wife. He is 52 and has a son. He failed to show up in an appointment with family friend. My sister C called him at his house, there was no one answering the phone. If Steven is not in, the answering machine normally takes the message. C realised something was not quite right and decided to drive to his house. Steven's car was parked at the drive way, the letter box was not empty. She knocked on the door, there was no one answering the door. She quickly called my other brother Kok to come in; they broke in to the house and found him on the floor. Ambulance was called and Steven was admitted to the hospital.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
One step closer
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
Monday, July 03, 2006
100 mile stone
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I don't care
Ever been in a conversation like this? It can imply different meanings. First, the negative implication. The person who said "I don't care.", is not energetic in the food, or the dinner. The person may not even want to be there. Or he or she is in a bad mood.
On the other hand, the person who said did not really mind about the food and was happy to eat anything and enjoy the dinner that night.
This phrase has been commonly used by many people. It puzzles me all the time. Do people really care? If you don't care why bother.
I was working on a critical project and we were running out of time. The phrase like, "I don't care. Solution A or B will do.", does not help the morale of the people who's wagering on the project at all.
You may say it depends on the person who said the phrase and the tone of it. It also depends on the listeners, where the phrase can be intepreted to negative meanings.
I think the phrase "I don't care.", can be replaced with "I don't mind." I think it can tone down the negative implication.
Now, let's try again ...
"What would you like to eat for dinner?"
"I don't mind. Anything. "
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
When I saw mum, my heart was broken. She was frail and very sleepy. Her condition is getting worst. She was very chatty last time I saw her. She used to be able to feed herself with one hand. She used to be able to recognise people but this time, she looked confused. She's in a lot of pain. The doctors who are looking after mum have never experience such a difficult case. The family need to make a decision whether to have active intervention to treat mum or to let her go peacefully without prolong her suffering any longer. Her heart was kept active by the pace maker implanted in her heart. Though her body starts to fail, it was the pace maker that artificially keeps her heart pumping. The decision was to deactivate the pace maker, if she has a heart failure the pace maker will not kick in.
Mum has been praying to God to take her home. She looks like she wanted to say something, but her condition makes it difficult for her to communicate what ever she wanted to say. She must be very frustrated.
Mum was a superwoman when she was young. She brought all us up single handily without dad's help. Dad was being controlled by the other mother at that time. (My father was married to 2 women at that time.) She has set a fantastic exmple for all of us in the family.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Doulos Part III - Mozamibique
After 3 days of voyage, we finally arrived at Nacala, Mozambique. The sea got rough before2 hours before we reached Nacala. I lied on the floor in the main lounge which is the middle part of the ship. Before long, I found more and more people joining me. We got there at 5pm.
‘To Teach and Testify’ was the theme for this port. Mozambique was occupied by Portugal for over three hundred years. The country gained independent in the 80’s and was governed by the Marxist government which was all out against the church. Only about 15 years ago, the government started to open up to freedom of religion. Very few people speak English as the main language in this country was Portuguese and the local dialect. As most churches are very young, therefore the theme was chosen for this port. It would be a challenge to all of us because of the language barrier, but the language that would reach them would be the love of God.
1July 2005
First day in Nacala was my free day according to my schedule. I got better from the sea sickness as the ship is now berthed at the port. No waves, no movements, it was just beautiful. After our group meeting, I went to the E-day notice board to find out what I would be doing on the next day. E-day is one of the jargon that we use on the ship, it is the day when members of the ship’s company gets an assignment to go out and meet the locals and do some community work. The ship normally sends out few teams a day. Doulos consists of 350 volunteers from over 40 different countries. When you are working on Doulos, you get 5 working days a week on your assigned department, 1 ministry day, i.e. E-day and 1 free day.
When I looked at the notice board, I found my name on one of the team. And I have to be ready to meet the team leader at 9:00am. I did not have much time to get ready for this. The work we’ll be doing on that day was practical work, which means it would be very physical. I would need a lot of water. Being new to the ship, I went around and to look for a water bottle and I couldn’t find anything. Finally, I’ve decided to go without it, silly mistake. I packed my lunch for the day as instructed by the notice as our schedule was going to be very long. The second part of the E-day was that we will be going to show Jesus film in a village 45 minutes away from the port. No dinner will be provided, so I have to pack dinner too.
The team met our team leader, Peter who’s a very tall guy and has been nick named by people as Tiny. Our task was to dig a 4m x 4m x 3m reservoir for a missionary centre near the port. It was hard work as there was no machine to help us and everything had to be done manually. After day one, we managed to dig 1.25m deep. During that time, I managed to drink water brought by the team leader and the host provided lunch as well. It looked like there would be another 2 to 3 days of work before the project can be completed. We cleaned up after 4pm and got on to our van and headed to the village to show the Jesus film.
When we got there, it was close to 5pm and started to get darker. We were followed by the kids in the village everywhere we went. They were so curious to see foreigners in their village especially an Asian. Few of us have to distract the kids so that the crew can set up the projector and the screen. We bounced the flash at the kids and they went wild and ran around to follow us. It was fun!
After showing the film, we packed up our equipment to the van. The pastor showed us to a mud hut to serve us some dinner. I was immediately humbled by the food they served; soft drinks and chicken, simple and cheap according to Australian standard but extremely expensive to the Mozambican locals.
We went "home" tired but very satisfied.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Hong Kong
Hong Kong, a happening city. I stopped over at Hong Kong for a few nights, on the way back to Melbourne. My main purpose was to catch up some of my friends who used to stay in Adelaide when we were students whom I have not seen for many years. Before making this trip, I was told that everyone was busy. It's very hard to get together to meet. I was very happy that these friends made an effort on a very short notice to come out to meet.
There were some thoughts went through my mind when I was in this very much happening city. Will I survive with the pressure over here if I work here?
Will I have time for my friends with my very much packed schedule? Will I have time for God? & etc
I was reminded a bible passage about how Jesus asked 'Who touched my clothes?'
Mark 5: 24 - 34
24So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. 25And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28because she thought, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." 29Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. 30At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" 31"You see the people crowding against you," his disciples answered, "and yet you can ask, 'Who touched me?' " 32But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. 33Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. 34He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
One could imagine how busy Jesus' daily schedule would be. When He was going through the crowds wanting attention, He had time to minister this woman who was suffering from bleeding out of many people who gathering around Him. I guess most people did not take notice of her but Jesus did and I was touched by the attention Jesus gave to this woman. The bible says 'Jesus kept looking around ... ‘ I am sure that He knew who did it. I could imagine that must have been a long time for the woman to come up and admitted that she was the one. Jesus was willing to stop what He was doing and give her the time that she needed.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
My Family's stories
The original house is now being vacant but it is still under the name of my uncle (my father's younger brother). It is situated inside Dragon's Gate village near the Bridge of Light and Righteousness. This bridge was built for the people so that they did not have to cross the river the old fashion way. My uncle working together with my father in Malaysia at that time help organised the fund raising projects to build this bridge by contacting Anxi Chinese overseas.
The house has 4 very special trees planted by my great grandfather, grandfather and my father. The fourth one was the tree planted after the death of my father to commemorate him.
During the time when Kuomintang was recruiting soldiers to fight against the communists. They would "encourage" one young man from every family to join the army. Fearing of being recruited by Kuomintang, my father fled to Malaysia with the help of other relatives in Singapore. My uncle was too young to join the army during that time and he was spared. Time was tough for the family; my father was to try out his luck to make a living in Nan yang (South Asia) to help to support the family back home.
My grandmother was quite sick at that time after my father left China. My uncle was desperate for help; the family went to the temple to pray. A remedy was given to get 27 water snails near the river. The family members started scooping for water snails near the river. They finally got 27 snails after working non-stop from 10pm till 4 am. But grandma died. My uncle was crushed by the incident and decided to become a doctor to help people.
I've met some interesting people today. Some people were old friends of my father. One man came in and told me that he was my father's student. He remembered when he was punished by my father for misbehaving. The man was old; if my father is still alive he would be 81 by now.
The feeling of coming back to Anxi was very surreal. In many ways I was glad that I made this visit. It has opened my eyes about my heritage and many things about my father.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Doulos Part IIb - Seasick
I woke up at 6am. My cabin is still rocking. I got up and sat at my bunk bed, I could not hold it for a minute. I had to lie down again; I could not hold myself together. After about 10 minutes, I told myself that I needed to get out of my bed and get a shower. May be that would help. I just had to give it a try. I managed to get down from the bunk bed, balanced myself and walked to the bath room and had a shower. One of the most difficult showers I ever had. The bath room was rocking too.
Then I was reminded the following Bible passage. Matthew 8:23-27 (The Message)
23Then he got in the boat, his disciples with him. 24The next thing they knew, they were in a severe storm. Waves were crashing into the boat--and he was sound asleep! 25They roused him, pleading, "Master, save us! We're going down!"
26Jesus reprimanded them. "Why are you such cowards, such faint-hearts?" Then he stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: "Silence!" The sea became smooth as glass.
27The men rubbed their eyes, astonished. "What's going on here? Wind and sea come to heel at his command!"
How I wished Jesus would calm the “storm” right where I stood. But there wasn’t any storm. I was just experiencing seasickness.
I never knew being seasick was such a bad experience. I could not function at all. The feeling is very hard to describe, I was not experiencing any pain or fever. The discomfort was all too overwhelming.
I walked to the dining room for breakfast. John was there and told me he just threw out his breakfast. As soon as I heard there, I went straight back to my cabin and chucked; I went straight to my bed.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Doulos Part II - (Tanzania to Mozambique)
My cabin was in section 1:- the front of the ship. This means when the ship is hit by the wave, section one will get it first before the rest of the ship. If you put this in a sea-sickness perspective, you get the picture. My cabin mates were Lucas from Germany, Andrew from England and Tespo from Lesotho. Lesotho is a country inside South Africa. Cabin that I stayed was very small. 2 bunk beds and a very small bath room.
27 June 2005
The STEP group was meeting for the first time. STEP stands for Short Term Exposure Programme -the mission trip that I participated. Most of the participants were from America, Jordan, Ryan, Rebecca, Deets, Jenny and Jennifer. Daniel from England living in Cyprus, Hack Chul from South Korea, Reza from Albania, Raphael and Martina from Switzerland, Annamiek from Holland, John from Malaysia studying in Scotland and Rachel from Ireland. Our co-ordinator was Gill. She has been on Doulos for more than 1 year. We were brief by different leaders on the ship about the programme and what expected of us.
The ship is set to sail this late afternoon. As part of the normal safety protocol, we performed a search for stowaway, the ‘unwanted guests’ who got on board for free passage. It happened before; the ship has to make a ‘U-turn’ back to the previous port and returned the ‘guest’. Normally, there will be someone pretend to be a stowaway during this exercise. The aim is to search every part of the ship and locate the stowaway.
The ship’s company, i.e. the crew members, were out on the deck waving good-bye to the locals. I was out with everyone else to check out what was it like to sail on a big ship as this was my first time on board with the ship. The deckies were busy getting the ship ready as the tuck boats pull the ship away from the quayside. After the ship was tucked to the required distance, we set sail for a 3 day journey to Nacala, Mozambique. The weather was cloudy that day, apart from that everything was fine. I felt the wave on the deck; it was not as bad as I thought what people said about seasickness. I was taking photographs with John and Raphael who were on the deck and I could not feel any seasickness coming to me. We adjourned to the dinning room for dinner. I could feel a bit of movement in the dinning room. As I was eating my dinner, I started to sweat. This could be the weather since we were in Africa, and this land is always warm even during winter time. The sweating did not stop, rest of the people who were eating with me were fine. At that moment, I knew; I have been hit by seasickness. I finished my dinner and excuse myself and went straight to my cabin. I lost my bearing. I could not even walk to my cabin. The ground was 'moving'. I was sweating is crazy trying to concentrate each of my step back to section 1. I finally made it to my cabin, climbed up to my bunk bed and trying to sleep. I felt better when I lied down but I could still feel the cabin rocking. My body not longer fighting off the cough but trying to counter act the imbalance of my body. It was 6pm in the evening; I did not go out of my cabin that night.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Doulos Part I (Aus to Tanzania)
I could not sleep. It was partly because of my cough and partly the excitement of going to Africa. I think I slept about 3 hours. I kept waking up checking the alarm clock fearing that I might overslept and missed flight. I felt encouraged that a friend, Peter V from work had offered to send me to the airport. But I had made prior arrangement with Ps Glenn to come at 4 am to send me to the airport.
Sitting at my seat, waiting for the plane to take off to Perth for my connecting flight to Johannesburg, I was wondering why the plane took so long to take off. The plane was delayed because the panel in the cargo area was damaged during the loading of luggage. The ground crew has ordered a replacement part, the captain explained. The luggage had to be unloaded, damaged panel removed and replaced and luggage to be re-loaded. The ship that was current docking at Tanzania will leave at the scheduled time, if I missed the boat, I will have to find way to get to Mozambique to meet them. Fearing of missing the connecting flight, I prayed.
We arrived in Perth 2 hours late. The flight to Johannesburg was waiting for the ‘missing’ 40 passengers from Melbourne. The flight from Perth to South Africa takes 11 hours. The passenger siting next to me was a Tibetan Buddhist monk, we had some interesting conversation about faith. Apparently, he knew some prominent evangelist in the Chinese speaking church. I guess the conversation about the religion will not be favourable. I told him where I was going and what would I be doing with Doulos. We had a very good chat. Finally, the plane landed in Johannesburg.
I checked into Holiday-Inn courtesy of South African Airline. The connecting flight to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania was 11am, the next day.
25 June 2005
I woke up at 6am, I must have slept for a long time. Freshen up; I went down stairs for breakfast. It was very different atmosphere in the restaurant. There are so many Africans here. I have never seen so many Africans in my life. Serious! I slowly came to terms that I was in the continent. Duh!
I went to the departure gate, checked my boarding pass and the gate number. Everything’s checked, now I just have to wait for the BUS. What? The bus? It is interesting that an international airport like Johannesburg transports passengers to their planes using buses. As I was going through my boarding pass, passport and other documents, I noticed my ticket which has the return trip to Australia went missing. Oops, I must have left it at the counter during check in. Looking around, there’s nobody at the departure gate and departure is 5 minutes away. I thought I could speak to the staff members of SAA and asked them if they could locate my ticket. Or I could call SAA when I get on board with Doulos.
The bus has arrived; it’s time to get on. I rehearsed my line to ask for assistant about the missing ticket many times. As soon as I passed the boarding pass to the crew member, before I opened my mouth, he passed me my ticket and gave me the look.
Thousand apologies.
Umm, got a plane to catch.
Thank you, have you nice day.
The guy sat next to me must be tired. He was carrying his pillow with him. It’s interesting to see some peculiar habits of people. The in-flight movie for the trip was ‘Hitch’. I’d not been to cinema for a long time. It’s somehow predictable movie, but still enjoyable. As the plane got closer to Dar es Salaam, the passengers were given immigration forms to fill. I pulled out my travelling documents so that I could answer the questions. Nobody knows their passport number by heart. There are some questions that I could not answer, i.e. the address of the place where I would be staying. So I peaked at the person sitting next to me. He’d got a letter with OM logo on it.
OM logo? Doulos?
‘Hey, he’s going to the same place I am going.’
I introduced myself and told him where I was going. His name is Ryan. He just finished high school. His friend was serving on board with the Doulos. He plays the drums for the church.
I walked through the arrival gate, right before me was a group of people holding up a sign. Doulos! Yes, there’s somebody there to pick me up. I greeted them and introduced myself. Amongst the people to be picked that day were Hack Chul from South Korea, Ryan from America and we were still waiting for a few more. My luggage was being loaded by the Noah who was also the driver. Ryan went off yo catch up with his friend whom he has not seen for a while. After some time, Jenny N from America who is the book store manager from Logos II walked out from the arrival gate. She was to relieve Daniel – the book store manager of Doulos while Daniel went home for a break. It worked out well because Logos II was on dry dock. Finally, Daniel from England walked past the arrival gate. He was waiting on a very long queue to pay for his visa to enter the country.
The African road was like documentaries that was shown on TV. People walking on the side of the roads, women carrying their things on their heads. About 15 – 20 minutes ride on the Doulos van, we arrived at the port where the ship is docked. I was quickly greeted by Adam and Mark who would be my buddies during my stay on the ship. They showed me to my cabin to leave my luggage and then the tour to the rest of the ship. I was totally lost with all locations of the dining room, forward lounge, car deck & etc. I’ll have 2 months to work it out.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I have lost control?
‘Does the job that I am doing define who I am?’
‘Will I still have my identity if I loose my job?’
I let money defines the power I have. No doubt, money plays an important role in many things that we do. Question I am asking myself is whether it is powerful enough to control me?
A pastor once said, ‘You can have money, in fact; you can have lots of money. Be careful not to let money have you.’
Then a Bible passage came to me:-
Psalm 121
A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Then I felt at ease, I’ve chosen to do mission; I will learn to trust in Him. It is suppose to be a journey of faith. If I can see everything, it will not be faith anymore. Yes, there are practical things that I will have to do to raise support for my mission trip. At the end of the day, it comes down to trusting Him.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I got a phone call one day about a percussion workshop run by a group from NZ called 'Strike'. This group is like a NZ equivalent of the STOMP. Initially, I thought this is just a workshop where you learn to play better. I had no idea that I have signed in to perform in Federation Square in the city during the Melbourne 206 Festival running parallel with the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Game. What an opportunity! There were only 2 practice sessions, Sunday and Monday. The minute I walked into the church hall, I was "strike" by the set up. There were like 2 cube structures hanging with percussion instruments. Wow! Looking at set up is like admiring a piece of art. The workshops went well; the members of the group were very patient showing us the rhythm patterns. The practice was really LOUD. Finally, the day has arrived. I was thinking about the rhythm patterns whole morning. I just wanted it to be perfect, not to upset the performance. When I got there, the square was packed with people watching the telecast of the commonwealth game. I think it was the lawn bowling final or some sort. When it came to our turn to perform, it was so quick. After all these practices, it took only 2 and half minutes of performance. Sometimes it takes years and years of learning and life experiences to handle a 2 and half minutes situation.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I resigned from SEEK
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Mission Trip with the Doulos
Jehovah Jireh - the provider
I started making enquiries about my annual leave for Oct-Dec 2005 which was after my friends’ weddings. After some discussions, my leave was changed to July-Aug 2005 with one month paid leave and the other one unpaid. Normally, I would have to resign under this situation but the Lord's favour was upon me.
When I started my application to join STEP, I did not think I have enough money. The flight to Africa was expensive as it is not a very popular destination for Australians. How would I get the money to support this trip? When I got my tax return back from the tax office, it was more than enough to fund the trip. God is good all the time, all the time, God is good. Though, I did not raise money for this trip, I've used my "own" money. The lesson I learnt from here is that, my money is His money. Everything I have is His.
Another miracle happened in my application of my leave for this trip. The whole trip is about 2 months; normally the application of the annual leave will never be approved, simply because of the length of the time. Amazingly, it was approved. One month paid, one month unpaid. I am happy with any arrangement. The fact that I was able to come back to my job after my 2 months leave is a miracle. Normally, situation like this, one would quit his or her job.
(stay tuned)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
New Year Resolution
Here is what I got in mind so far.
There is also a family estate in China where the "Goh" began. It is my origin, my roots, the surname my father carried when he was alive. Someone once said, 'In order to know your future, you have to know your past.' It would be good to see the tree planted by my grandfather before he left China to Malaysia. There's also the tree that my father planted before he left as well. There's also a bridge built that was funded by our family. Most importantly, my uncle (dad's brother) is getting old, I want to see him.
Exercise and healthy diet.
After my mission trip with Doulos, I've lost 5 kilos as a result of it. I've started exercise after coming back from Africa. I was able to maintain my weight. I feel refreshed after workout and able to sleep better. It also increases my metabolism, which equates to burning more fat in my body.
Healthy diet, this is going to be hard as I normally eat unbalanced meal. I don't eat enough veg and fruits.