Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year Resolutions for 2008 - first draft

New year resolutions are no stranger to me. Some goal settings 'experts' said that the goals must be measurable, not sure mine are measurable enough, but here are mine.

I want to be working 85% of the time during 2008. Yes, I will be contracting and will not be working as a permenant staff. 15% of the time I can do what ever I want - namely mission work and holidays.

I want to be more hospitable. I will plan to host dinner at least once every month. People are getting busier. If I can book them in weeks ahead, I can catch up with some old friends and get to know some new friends.

Healthy living, now, this may be little bit hard to measure, but stil can do. Exercise at least 3 times a week, must have vegie and fruits in my meal all the time.

Active in the small group and ministry of my new church:- weekly small group meeting including leading study or leading worship and be part of the worship team.

An oversea mission trip this year.

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