Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Broad St, Carlisle

I am currently staying with an American family serving with OM here in the student ministry, Tim and Linda Wright and their 2 kids. The house is about 10 mins walk from the current OM office. OM will move into a new place in November. The house where the Wrights are staying is a typical English town house, beautifully located on Broad St. As you can see, the street is not that broad, only one car can go through. The street signs on this part of the town, is quite hard to see. Most of them are on the actual building at the corners of the streets. Some of them actually faded away. How to get around in this part of the town in Carlisle? Oh well ... You adjust.
I will stay in this beautiful town house for couple of weeks before OM finds a more permanent accommodation closer to the newer office.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Wow, it's beautiful, Ben. Lovely to walk in on the way to work.