Thursday, November 30, 2006

2 - months

It has been 2 months since my mother went home. Things are getting back to "normal". A friend asked me how am I doing since mum has gone? I don't really know, sometimes I still think I can go back and visit her in Adelaide. I did not try hard not to think about she has gone, nor that I've tried to think of her too much.

As Christmas approaching, the memories of mum come back. I remember everyone will try to be where mum was whether be in Melbourne or Adelaide. Where everyone would just enjoy mum's cooking and each other's company. Since she had the stroke, she was bound to her bed, we made every effect to go back to Adelaide to celebrate Christmas with her. There are times when we took turn to see her at different weeks, so that she did not get overwhelmed by all of us at one time, and next week no one was there for her.

This Christmas is going to be different without mum, something for the family to get used to.

You nourish our hearts in our yearning,
You dignify our souls in our struggles

You harmonise our grief and gladness

You make melody from fragments of chaos

You align our spirit with creation

You reveal to us the grace of God

You calm us and delight us and set us free to love and forgive

Our lives are richer because of who you are

Monday, November 20, 2006

Farewell DC!

I've received an email from Aus found out that my pastor David Collins has passed away and went to be with the Lord. He has been battling with cancer since end of last year. He has been very dear to our congregation, Twilight, and we have been praying for him faithfully. DC is no longer suffering with the pain. I remember early this year when he posted a song by MercyMe, I Can Only Imagine, on his blog. This song was written by the lead singer of the band to commemorate the passing of his father. What would his father do when he sees Jesus. One can only imagine. Right now, DC needs no imagination anymore.

It's hard for me to deal with 2 deaths since I've got here in Carlisle. But like I said it before, I will say it again, it is by the Grace of God that I can stand here and declare that God is good and still is.

Monday, November 13, 2006

One month since ....

It has been one month since my mother passed away. Time moved so quickly for me this month. ON office has moved to a new location, I moved out from the wrist's and moved into curries Road. I've decided to make Elim Community Church the church that I go to in Carlisle, joint a cell group, will be joining the worship team once I get the approval from the senior minister. Everything is still new to me. Seeing new things every week, learning new things every week. Honestly I don't want to settle comfortably and if I do I will be chatting into the comfort zone. I want to be living on the edge.
As I reflect how I got here in Carlisle, it has not been an easy journey. Somehow God allowed these incidents to happen for a purpose. Now, it sounded cliche and religious but what else can I say? Knowing that '... all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.'
Now, let see,
I love HIM, I can only love God the way I know I can and continue to learn to love Him more.
I have been called for His purpose, everyone has and is.
So "ALL things"? Including some obstacles that were placed during my preparation? The nasty things said by someone? YES ... All things! They are for the good for me? The passing away of my mother is a good thing for her as she is no longer suffering in her imperfect body, that I understand but what about the rest?
I know this verse in my head, I guess I will only understand this somewhere in the future.
GOD is so BIG, I am so small. I cannot grasp all these things at the moment but somehow He will show it to me a right time. Right now, I just have to take it by faith and by His grace I will accept it.
"So help me God, to put my faith in You."
p/s, I am going to put a tribute to my mother on the blog, just give me sometime, when I am ready.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Walkers Marmite

Walkers is a snack food company like the one in Australia, Smiths, known for their potato chips and variety of flavors. Then there's Marmite and Vegemite. The black stuff that "everyone" like. One day when I was shopping here (Carlisle) in the supermarket, my flat-mate showed me the chips with Marmite flavor. Yes ... The UK Vegemite chips, I mean Marmite Chips. Too good to be true? Yes ... Check this out.
I bought the 6 pack home to try it out. Believe me it knocked my socks off. Wonder if they would make them available in Australia? Chips with an Aussie twist.
Hopefully, by the time I come back to Melbourne, I will get to see Smiths Vegemite Chips.