Lately I have been thinking about worship. I was reading a book about how many churches have moved away from the Biblical truth. If you are interested, please check out 'This little church went to market' by Gary Gilley.
I just want to talk about worship here.
The Bible says in John 4:23
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.Sometimes, I questioned myself whether I am doing what the bible says when I worship God.
A lot of the time when I hear people say 'The worship was so good!.' I wonder what it means. Why? Did the person actually say the music was good? Or the atmosphere was good? Or I feel good in the worship.
After serving many years in the music ministry, I want to ask a few questions.
1. Are we worshiping God or worshiping music?
2. Do we have to feel good during the worship session?
3. How do you feel the presence of God in worship? Why do I have to feel the presence of God?
Why is it all about ME feeling the presence of God?
4. Is worship session a therapeutic session for me? (Be honest)!
I think you'll probably starting to get what I'm trying to say...
It's not about me, but all about Him.
Our worship should be God focused, we all know that. Sometimes, we really need to honestly ask ourself when we worship, who is the centre of the focus when the phrase like "meeting our needs" come into picture. Since when do we need the worship (music) to meet our needs?
Unless we go back to God focused worship, we will never be the true worshipers that the Father seeks. Notice that I did not say we never
experience what true worship is.
I wonder why when Jesus said, "Yet a time is coming and has now come ...", in the verse.